It’s world vegetarian day
Get a taste of Autumn with this seasonal veg. What vegetables are season this October ?
Beetroot, Apple, Corn, Pear, Carrot and obviously Pumpkins.
Reasons to eat seasonal veg if you can…
– Food has travelled fewer miles meaning a lower carbon footprint. Out-of-season berries account for around 11 per cent of the UK’s food-transport emissions.
– When food hasn’t travelled in containers it retains its nutrients so it’s healthier and tastier. Vegetables and fruit start to loose their nutrients within 24 hours of being picked.
– Food in season tends to be cheaper as it’s grown in natural conditions. Many resources and artificial techniques are needed to grow food out of season eg. industrially heated greenhouses.
– Supports your local community. Food in season doesn’t need to be shipped from abroad or made in artificial conditions meaning it can be grown at your local farm.
To keep up to date with what vegetables / fruit are in season check out this calendar
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